Kneece Investigations, LLC

Providing both Investigative Services and Private Security Officers

(864) 445-3713

Adultery & Infidelity

A man and woman engaged in a romantic gesture

It is difficult and painful when you suspect your spouse is cheating on you. Our professional and caring investigators can help you find the truth. All our investigations are confidential and discreet. Your privacy is protected as we help you find the truth.

Many aspects of the outcome of a divorce, to include division of marital property, payment of attorney and investigative fees, child custody, and other costs depend on the discovery of admissible and convincing evidence. Our professional investigators can not only testify as to what we have observed, we make every attempt to document the evidence by using video and photographic evidence with date and time stamps for authentication. Evidence presented by licensed investigators is more favorable than testimony presented by friends or family in most family court cases because the investigator testifies without bias and has no stake in the case outcome.

Our investigators have experience and knowledge in the handling of divorce cases and can deliver the results you need. Let our dedicated investigative team get started on your case today.