Kneece Investigations, LLC

Providing both Investigative Services and Private Security Officers

(864) 445-3713

Criminal Defense Investigations

A person being led away with their hands behind them in handcuffs

Kneece Investigations understands the importance of in-depth investigations in Criminal Defense cases. Every defendant deserves a complete and thorough defense presented on his or her behalf. In order to ensure that these rights are protected, it is important that the defendant's attorney have access to as much detailed information as possible regarding the case. Criminal cases can be very complex with thousands of pages of discovery to be reviewed, numerous witnesses to be interviewed, and intricate crime scene analysis to be done. Attorneys rarely have just one case to deal with at a time. A competent, trained investigator who is well-versed in the law and criminal defense can save an attorney significant time and expense in preparing your case for trial.

Our criminal defense investigators, led by a licensed attorney, provide you with the thorough investigation and assistance you need to be fully prepared for trial. We review all information and documents provided by the State and conduct independent interviews of witnesses. It has been our experience that witnesses have more information than what is documented by Law Enforcement. We learn what the witness is going to say if called to testify. Knowing what the witness saw and what they are prepared to testify to can affect the strategy of the defense plan. We work with you to find all of the evidence available and determine a strategy for using that evidence to support your theory of the case. Here are just a few of the services we provide in criminal defense cases:

Whether you are a public defender or private attorney taking a private or appointed case, we can assist you every step of the way from intake through trial. We understand the process and the unique issues that attorneys face in criminal defense cases--we are here to help. We also understand the expense involved in representing criminal defendants. We work within your budget to provide the most efficient and cost-effective investigation possible and comply with Office of Indigent Defense requirements in appointed cases.

Kneece Investigations investigators have the experience and knowledge to handle your investigation with the professionalism you expect and to deliver the results you need. Our staff is uniquely qualified and trained to help you successfully represent your client and to be fully prepared for trial. Let our dedicated criminal defense team get started on your case today.

Kneece Investigations does not provide legal advice or representation